5.2. A simple DocBook book

The following XML section shows a typical structure of a DocBook book.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"
<book lang="de">
 <title>Mein erstes DocBook Buch</title>
     <para>In einem Vorwort stehen Dinge über das Buch an sich.</para>
     <para>Dies ist ein einfacher Artikel
     Das ist nur ein Beispielabsatz.</para>
     <title>Anhang 1</title>
     <para>Das ist ein Anhang.</para>
       <title>Ein Glossar</title>
         <glossterm id="DocBook">DocBook</glossterm>
         <glosssee>DocBook ist ein Standard zur Erstellung...</glosssee>
1 The Bookinfo section is optional although you might want to be named as the author.
2 The Preface is also optional. But if the book becomes very large, the preface will have about this strucutre.
3 Here follow one or several chapters which start with a title <title> and are even more structured by paragraphs <para>.
4 With this an index entry is created. The secondary entry is optional.
5 Following tihs you will have one or more appendixes.
6 If you want to, you can also add a glossary.
7 This tag marks the position where the completed index is to be inserted.

To see how such a book might look in HTML[3], click hier.


[3] this depends on the defined style sheets