6.2. More functions

6.2.1. Book or Article

As already mentioned there are two different stylesheets or a controllable one, to generate alternatively a „book“ or an „article“. That is defined by the build-property „doc-type“ in the control file „build.xml“.

6.2.2. CalloutList

The be able to produce so-called „CalloutLists“, an additional enumerating format „CalloutList“ was taken up .

References are converted to cross references. It is important, that the names of the bookmarks begins with „co.“. If these conventions are kept, the stylesheet automatically generates the right <co id=“co.test“> and <callout arearefs=“co.test“>. How that functions exactly, one can see best in this document.

6.2.3. Insert a note

If one inserts a note with OpenOffice, this is transferred simply literally to the DocBook document. Thereby one can generate arbitrary DocBook tags. However the exact control of the position of the tag is not possibly, so that structure tags, that are bound to a certain content model sometimes cannot be inserted in this way. What is possible without any problems are e.g. Index entries.